Tuesday, October 21, 2014


The following blog presents varying sources of information on the career path of a veterinarian to fellow students that are pursuing a  degree in Veterinary Medicine. The blog will offer many distinguished views of how to succeed in becoming a veterinarian, if being a vet is right for you, and what you will encounter daily in your career. Some sources presented are from actual veterinarians such as Dr. Khuly and Dr. Bern. Other sources are from colleges, one being Cambridge University.  I myself, am a student working towards my bachelor in Animal Science with a pre-veterinary focus so I hope these sources help me just as much as they help you.

Is Being A Veterinarian The Right Choice?

Medical Jobs gives insightful advice of how to decide in the veterinarian career is the right choice for you. It helps to understand what will be expected of you daily and what you should expect daily as well. The source does admit that there may be times when it is emotionally or physically taxing but that will be the point where you will either make the best or worst of the career you chose.

Pros And Cons Of Being A Veterinarian

Everyday Life offers a list of pros and cons to those who are considering going into the veterinarian field of work. This gives readers a look into what they will be faced with and help with making their decision if they are on the fence or rethinking their career major. They list income, expansion opportunities, and ability to choose specialty as pros, on the other side they say the field is difficult to enter and maintain, and it can be a very emotionally taxing career.

Steps To Take To Become A Vet

This video explains the steps you must take in order to achieve your goal of becoming a veterinarian. It provides information about the schooling you will need and gives the names of the tests that you will have to take and pass. The video also gives recommendations for how to start learning more about the career field.

Serious Issues Within The Vet Career

Dr. Patty Khuly touches on the serious issue of pursuing a veterinarian career. She informs readers that there are some economical down falls to the job but encourages readers to pursue their dream because the need for pure and driven veterinarians is a must. The author shares her views on why people should not be discouraged from the career path by others or by the lack of money that will be brought into their homes at first.

Requirements To Become A Veterinarian

Education Portal informs students of the requirements that are laid out to get a Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine. The site gives how many years of college it will take at the minimum, what kinds of tests you will need to take, how your eight years of schooling will lay out, and the average salary of the career.

Cambridge Veterinary School

The video gives insight into Cambridge’s Veterinary course and explains what can be done in the course and how to go about trying to enter into the course. It offers current students inputs into how the course is run and how beneficial it is for them. The video shows all the activities you would be doing if you attended the school.